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Re: [microsound] OS

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>> I find that linux OS architecture allows for a more flexible use (and
>> misuse) of tools. It is surprising that people who want to go against
>> mainstream don't explore this avenue.

>OS is just one of *many* ways to go 'against mainstream'....

I don't think anyone's denying that, but it is true that the (at least
theoretical) "hackability" of OS tools makes them easier to twist in
specific ways. But that's not nec a good thing; sometimes the
constraints of closed-source technologies yield more productive hacks
than what one could do in an openly hackable system. Indeed, I would
argue that a lot of the "aesthetics of failure" come precisely from
people deliberately bumping up against the limits of commercial audio
(and other) software in the context of a closed-source hegemony. 

Open source is primarily of interest to me because of its useful
licensing, not because it nec helps one to practice better. Despite the
rhetoric of "complete freedom" which so often accompanies OS, it does
still work within constraints; they're just different constraints than
in closed-source sw. What matters is the way those constraints are
creatively activated.


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