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Re: [microsound] OS

If anyone wants to get into using Linux, I recommend knoppix:


You can burn it into CD and boot, it should work on most x86 hardware. 
You even get a nice desktop to play with.

I use Linux on my desktop machines at work and at home, and I have done
for several years, although I have a Mac I use for commercial software
applications.  I use Debian (http://www.debian.org/)

I know at first installing Linux can be daunting, but there's nothing
wrong with trying and getting it wrong a few times.  That's what I did
when I as at university, and now I can manage to use it in numerous
situations, professionally (I'm a programmer) and at home.  You could
even try going along to your local LUG (Linux User Group) and seeing if
they have any install fests.

Does anyone think a microsound mp3 project using totally open source
software would be a good idea (anyone excluding myself)?

