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SV: SV: Re: [microsound] no OS
An artwork does not occur in the mind. It is a structural quasi-object. =
experience of art is a dialectical embodied meeting between this object =
the subject(s) engaging with it.=20
NB: I do not use "subject" or "object" in any na=EFve sense. They are =
stable positions. They are not entities. It's a long story...
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: bitmoth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:bitmoth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] =
Sendt: 6. november 2003 19:30
Til: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Emne: RE: SV: Re: [microsound] no OS
just goes back to the age old question of where ART occurs. is it in =
mind of the creator or in the collective mind of the audience. which of =
those changes it from purely "thing" and gives it "art"? there is, of=20
course, no answer, it's all about perspective. although i will grant =
that a=20
collective mind often decides a piece has a significance that was not=20
intended, but as that is the same thing as the collective decision to=20
MISremember an event (colombus discovered america, for example),=20
and that decision can change as the collective mind alters, it leaves =
no closer to understanding the nature of the art itself. so perhaps the =
best definition we can give of a piece of art is "something which =
unanswerable questions" or "something which, in asking us to select a=20
position on it, causes us to alter ourselves in some way". which i=20
concede is political in its way.
<Understanding art and music is not about understanding the person=20
who made
it. An artwork often has a political import which the creator was not
conscious of. There is no mystery about that.
---trommer wrote----
...it seems to me that any act can be pigeonholed into some sort of=20
by an outside observer, regardless of what the perpetrator's actual=20
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