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Re: [microsound] noise?
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"All that is not information, not redundancy, not form, and not
restraints is noise, the only possible source of new patterns."
G. Bateson
"Not limited to any one thing in particular, even though it is always
some specific thing, noise does not exist in and of itself, but in terms
of a network of relationships, in contexts and uses: it is at once
sensual and particular as well as abstract and universal. Thus, despite
any occasional concrete manifestations..., what this conveys is that
noise is in some way social in character, and, further, that noise is
also therefore an issue of aesthetics. Although a system may objectively
produce disruptions of some form..., these disruptions only become noise
at the point of human reception..."
B. Cranfield
"Noises are never just sounds, and the sounds they mask are never just
sounds; they are always ideas of noise."
D. Kahn
<-----Original Message----->
"Sound is all our dreams of music. Noise is music's dreams of us"
Morton Feldman
Listen again and again,
and Take it or Leave it.
Kind Regards
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