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Re: [microsound] help looking for online sound design articles/interviews
you need to read actual physical books unfortunately. they are difficult to obtain and you may cut your finger on something called 'paper.' beware. apparently these 'books' are found in libraries and 'stores' that you have to enter physically. you may also encounter other human beings in face-to-face interaction in these stores, particularly during the purchase phase of you outing. make sure you thoroughly wash to prevent socialism from spreading! i know this, because i too was looking for the very same
material and contemplated actually leaving my place and venturing out into the real world, elements and all, to obtain such archiac storage media. fortunately there is amazon.com, which will deliver to your door.
check out:
michel chion: audio-vision/sound on screen
david sonnenschein: sound design/the expressive power of music, voice and sound effects in cinema
tom kenny: sound for picture/the art of sound design in film and television
there is also a ton of good stuff i've printed off here: http://www.mixonline.com/
do a search.
p.s. you're right - www.filmsound.org sucks big time.
lim wrote:
> hi,
> i have to write a short paper about the sound design of a film for a production class i am in, and i.m looking for online articles that primarily discuss topics such as the original source sounds used, aspects of specific scenes...solving production sound problems, etc.; essentially fairly detailed articles...interviews...things of that nature.
> the site that my professor sent us was www.filmsound.org, which really doesn.t cover that many films--some of them aren.t really 'articles' per say, and none of them particularly interest me, so i figured that i would ask here before just having to go ahead with one from filmsound. i.ve done a lot of searching and have only come up with a few very short articles at www.mixmag.com-- nothing that detailed. i.ve heard people discuss or mention sound design on the list before so i thought it was worth a shot.
> thanks a bunch for your time,
> lim;.
> www.geocities.com/lim_web