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Re: [microsound] Mixing up the music industry
more interesting is the claim that if majors begin to directly
collect and distribute royalties from broadcast, etc (which has been
traditionally handled by the PRO's-Performing Rights Organizations)
that those institutions would collapse... and hence independents
(both publishers-labels, and artists) would be left with no avenue
for ensuring royalty collections for the use of their material... or
have to police it themselves which is daunting if not impossible.
what seems to be unconsidered in the article is the potential cost
(to the majors) of doing that royalty collection and distribution
anyone else conjecture as to the effect of such a bypassing of the
performing rights organizations?
>it's interesting considering that there are now more independent record
>labels now than at any point in history. techno labels alone number in
>the thousands.
>m mouth wrote:
> > http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/3264083.stm
>> worth a read if you sell music.
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