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Re: [microsound] (ot)(ot)cremaster cycle

Yeah I saw Cremaster 4 last summer.  It was on video,
but good luck to anyone else who wants access to this
format in the near future.  

My buddy brought the VHS from San Fransisco.  He hangs
out with Drew and M.C. in Matmos, who produce music
for Bjork, who is dating (and has a child with)
Matthew Barney, and so they have tapes of the movies
and let my friend borrow one to impress his Kansas
City pals.  

The film disturbed me in a way that I initially
disliked but eventually reveled in, since the concepts
and style of Barney's work are very avant garde.  Do
not approach these films as "movies," for although
they do contain narrative, they are more akin to
four-dimensional sculptures or installations.  

A lot of people criticize Barney for a variety of
reasons, but no one can refute the impact that his
work will have on the future of art.  I am already
dreading the onslaught of mimicry that will follow
these original works, which will inevitably dull the
edge of what currently stand as anomolous artifacts of
this period of art history.  

I ordered "The Order" DVD, thinking that it was the
entire Cremaster 3, and was disappointed with the
length of the segment (~30 minutes) but am still glad
to have purchased it,  because it is a self-contained
piece that serves as a quick introduction to Barney's
style and concepts.  This allows people to sample the
Cremaster films and decide if Barney's vision is to
their liking, without donating large blocks of time. 

I highly recommend the works, for they are of
meticulous production value and fresh synthesis,
blending elements as disparate as Freemasonry and
1980s hardcore bands into a beautiful baroque

And the nipple tassels are pretty cool too.


--- Jorge Blank <jorgepiaget@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> see them all...what else are you going to do with 14
> hours of your life, sleep?  think of all the awful
> waste of film you could watch instead...just do it. 
> every barney moment is at least somewhat considered
> or
> enacted to its fullest potential which is more than
> I
> can say for most of the lame electronic music I end
> up
> wasting half and hour here or there on.


Read my thoughts.

