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Re: [microsound] synchronization of 2 pcs
Kyle Klipowicz schrieb:
>You can also use pure data, which has the
>[netsend]/[netrecieve] objects, in combination with
>its midi capabilities (depending if you want to use
>midi or not). PD takes more work to learn, since it's
>not as developed as MAX/MSP yet. But it's free,
>rather than several hundred dollars. Find out more at
>--- /0 <r3dshift@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>midi, ethernet, or midi over ethernet
>>max.msp can do any of the above, but so can a lot of
>>other stuff. some
>>googling will zero you in on whats best for you
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "sarto" <jcsartoris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 8:22 AM
>>Subject: [microsound] synchronization of 2 pcs
>>>what are the solutions to synchronized two pc's so
>>to play same rythm?
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>Read my thoughts.
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The 'netsend/netreceive' external for Max/Msp is available, too: