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[microsound] TWIKI server update

I have gotten word from Andy (co-founder of this list and the man who keeps
the mail server humming) that there may be a TWIKI server already in place
at Hyperreal that we can use...he is going to find out more about this and
get back to me soon...

in any event, I am looking to shift the microsound community towards an open
source platform such TWIKI for a variety of reasons...I think having a
Microsound TWIKI server will give everyone a chance to contribute in a more
effective way as well as allow others to easily initiate projects...

* if there are any PERL scripters out there who want to contribute some
TWIKI plugins please take a look at the Plugin API
and see if you might get some ideas for a microsound specific plugin of some

I'll keep everyone updated as to what Andy says regarding the possible TWIKI
server at Hyperreal

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