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Re: [microsound] Belly of the Whale

Sounds very interesting. But I wonder if this project will only collect sounds of living
sea animals or (just a thought) sounds present in the oceans due to human activity
could also be appreciated, e.g. sonars, sounds of torpedos being shot from
submarines, the sound of a sunk oil tanker spilling its load, etc.
If as mentioned the final target is making people more aware 'of our endangered
marine soundscapes', maybe it would be a good idea to stress the (dialectic?)
opposition between natural/native soundscapes and artificial/colonist sounds.
Someone dares to imagine how Atlantis would sound like? :)
I remember when I saw Yo la Tengo's live performance of their album 'Sounds of
the Sounds of Science', with the display of the works of Jean Painleve. They were
not really sounds they collected about octopusses, sea horses and stuff, but
sometimes it turned out be really evoking (like in the case of jellyfishes, for
instance). I found it beautiful.


On 29 Jan 2004 at 2:08, tobias c. van Veen wrote:

> Lobsters. Mmmm. Check it. tobias
> --
> Dear musician,
> Two nonprofits, Interspecies.com and greenmuseum.org, would like to invite
> you to participate in "Belly of the Whale", a unique music project based on
> a Source CD of rare underwater sounds including several species of whales,
> dolphins, seals, lobsters, water, as well as some texts related to whale
> sounds. Participating musicians are being invited to create a 2-6 minute
> piece based primarily on sounds from the Source CD.  Once the pieces are
> completed, Interspecies.com and greenmuseum.org will distribute and
> publicize the material for free to the public over both their websites.
> The organizers would eventually like to produce an anthology CD featuring
> as many of the recorded selections as possible.  If a profit is generated,
> the humble proceeds will be split equally to benefit projects by the two
> sponsoring non-profits, Interspecies.com and greenmuseum.org.
> Our hope is that music which results from "Belly of the Whale" will help
> raise awareness of our endangered marine soundscapes by inspiring and
> engaging new audiences.
> This Project is a unique collaboration between two organizations,
> participating sea creatures and the creative muse of musicians around the
> world.  Please join us to help call attention to the need to protect our
> oceans through the power of music.
> Your name was recommended to us as someone who might be interested in this
> project.  If you would like to take part in "Belly of the Whale", please
> reply with any questions as well as your mailing address and we will send
> you a copy of the Source CD of underwater recordings to get you
> started.  Thanks!
> Best regards,
> Sam Bower
> Executive Director
> greenmuseum.org
> The Sponsoring Organizations
> http://interspecies.com
> Interspecies Inc. is a non-profit supported entirely by members and private
> foundations.  2004 is our 26th year in operation.  We sponsor artists,
> musicians, and philosophers working to discover creative solutions to the
> ecological problems of our day. Interspecies Inc. is best known for a 25
> year program of musical communication with free-swimming cetaceans. The
> organization has a library on DAT and audio cassette, consisting of various
> animal sounds, recorded underwater over 20 years time. In many cases, the
> whales can be heard in live, real time interaction with many different
> human musicians, children, and even Tibetan Lamas.
> Contact: Jim Nollman,  beluga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> http://greenmuseum.org
> greenmuseum.org is a nonprofit online museum of environmental art dedicated
> to advancing creative efforts to improve our relationship to the natural
> world. Collaborative projects with environmentalists, resource managers,
> educators and community groups are helping transform the role of art and
> artists in society.  The exchange of information about these projects is
> essential to the spread of these ideas and to the development of a more
> sustainable world culture.
> Contact:  Sam Bower, sam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> tobias c. van Veen -----------
> http://www.quadrantcrossing.org
> http://www.thisistheonlyart.com
> --- tobias@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> ---McGill Communications------
> ICQ: 18766209 | AIM: thesaibot
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