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Re: [microsound] "alternative" controllers for performance

similar to the OIK  i am working on a plugin that defines different spots on the live-
view of a webcam at the USB-port; the changes will be routed to any midi host via a 
virtual midi device check 


j ,.
On 28 Jan 2004 at 17:49, robert van heumen wrote:

> hey glerm,
> at steim, 'controllers' is our middlename :) for some time we've worked 
> with the sensorlab (developed at steim), an extensive programmable 
> sensorbox to connect all kinds of sensors. lately our hardware/software 
> technicians have been working on different approaches:
> 1. a new 'sensorlab' (probably with a different name) - this is going 
> to be a less expensive sensorbox, connected to the mac by ethernet - as 
> i'm mainly involved in the educational department i don't have the 
> details (but if you're interested i can get you in touch with the 
> people with the details)
> 2. an more lowtech approach is the OIK project - this involves using 
> commercial usb joysticks (or other input devices) together with the 
> junXion software that transforms the usb data into midi - i've myself 
> added a thrustmaster firestorm joystick to my improvised music setup 
> next to the phat boy (great controllerbox with 13 knobs and a midi 
> channel offset knob) - the joystick of course looks spectacular, and at 
> first i thought i'd get bored with it pretty quick, but it gives great 
> control! and really adds more energy to the music to me...
> 3. we've also taken apart some of these joysticks, and re-soldered them 
> into objects, or into wireless sensorboxes.
> 4. next thing: build our own usb board that does the same thing as the 
> hacked joystick.
> some hyperlinks:
> + sensorlab: http://www.steim.org/steim/sensor.html
> + OIK: http://www.steim.org/steim/oik.html
> + junXion: http://www.steim.org/steim/junxion.html
> + phatboy: http://www.keyfax.com/keyfax/phatboy/phatboy1.html
> ok, hope this is not too much prose...
> later,
> robert
> _______________________
>    r o b e r t  v a n  h e u m e n
>    _ project advisor
>    _ system administrator
>    _ http://www.steim.nl
>    _ http://hardhatarea.com
> _______________________
> On Jan 28, 2004, at 4:13, glerm wrote:
> > What's new and interesting about controlling sound parameters on 
> > performances now? can we discuss this?
> >
> > I'm curious.
> >
> > glerm
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