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[microsound] plastic tactics march 10th 2004 montreal canada
plastic tactics:
exploring the audio and visual morph
naw - live - noisefactoryrecords.com
cyan - dj - modular systems ckut-fm
melon - dj
billy the kid - live
ladyroll - vj
fluid - vj
when: march 10th 2004 7-10pm
where: the S.A.T (Societe des arts technologiques)
1195, Boul Saint-Laurent Montreal
how much: FREE
more information:
Capable of being shaped or formed: plastic material such as clay. Relating
to or dealing with shaping or modeling: the plastic art of sculpture.
Having the qualities of sculpture; well-formed. Giving form or shape to a
substance: the plastic forces that create and wear down a mountain range.
Easily influenced; impressionable. Physics. Capable of undergoing
continuous deformation without rupture or relaxation. Biology. Capable of
building tissue; formative. Marked by artificiality or superficiality;
synthetic: a plastic world of fad, hype, and sensation.
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