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Re: [microsound] granulation

> http://www.sfu.ca/~truax/gsample.html

>The effect may be called "slow motion sound," as it was envisioned by
filmmaker Jean Epstein in the 1940s.

Anyone familar the refrence? I've heard of Jean Epstein in context of
Luis Buñuel being his assistant during the silent era but know little of
his later works. I would have thought the Soviets in the 30s
experimenting with animating optical sound would also be a percursor

> However, granulation and its twin, granular synthesis, did not become a viable compositional tool until I was able to develop a real-time implementation in 1986.

Further to comment I guess as 12 of the 17 refrences he cites are his
own so that alone might very well bear things out, but still I would
think real-time implementation has a much greater impact on the
viability of performance rather than viability as a tool for composition.

nick kent

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