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[microsound] STAUBGOLD London show | 01.04 |

Dear all

Visit the [no.signal] basic web page (http://nosignal.slab.org) to 
check details of the first ever UK performance of the fantastic 
Staubgold label and its 'music out of place tour II' including:

	- bios & reviews
	- mp3 streams
	- photos
	- further info and competition to be announced.

Subscribe to the mailing list and get the chance to WIN free/reduced 
entries | SUN and Staubgold compilation CDs.

all the best



thursday 01 april 04
@ d e l u x e   g a l l e r y
2 - 4 hoxton square [old st./shoreditch]
london, n1 6nu
@ 7.30pm (doors) > 23.30
£8 / £6 [in adv via email to nosignal@xxxxxxxxxx]

S U N    [aus]
oren ambarchi / chris townend, with scott horscroft, clare cooper, 
martin siewert

O R E N   A M B A R C H I  +  S C O T T   H O R S C R O F T [aus]
[live guitars processing]

C L A R E  C O O P E R [aus]
[live harp solo]

DJ  M A R K U S  D E T M E R  [de]
[staubgold sound system]