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[microsound] [no.signal] | london | 01.04.04 ~ SUN (oren ambarchi/chris townend) | scott horscroft | clare cooper

Dear all

It is with great pleasure that we announce another [no.signal] event  
which will present the first ever UK show of the German electronic  
label Staubgold (which includes artists such as Mapstation, Rafael  
Toral, Ekkehard Ehlers, f.s blumm amongst others).

[note: tune-in TONIGHT at 9.30 pm (GMT) on resonances fm 104.4  
(www.resonancesfm.com) for the wire's 'adventures in modern music' show  
to get the chance to win free and reduced tickets + Staubgold CDs.

[no.signal] presents the unique UK date of the staubgold 'Music Out of  
Place Tour ||' featuring:

S U N    [aus]
[live melodic experimental pop/rock from oren ambarchi & chris townend  
side project]

O R E N   A M B A R C H I  +  S C O T T   H O R S C R O F T [aus]
[live guitars processing]

C L A R E  C O O P E R [aus]
[live improvised harp experiments ]

DJ  M A R K U S  D E T M E R  [de]
[staubgold sound system]

also presenting:

F U N C T I O N [aus] (love and mercy)
live psych/pop/drone explorations

thursday 01 april 04
@ d e l u x e   g a l l e r y
2 - 4 hoxton square [old st./shoreditch]
london, n1 6nu

@ 7.30pm (doors) > 23.30
£8 / £6 [in adv via email to nosignal@xxxxxxxxxx]

further info and review updates:

[ i n f o ]


oren ambarchi (drums / guitar / voice)
chris townend (guitar / bass / voice)
clare cooper (harp)
scott horscroft (keyboards / bass / sampler)
martin siewert (guitars / pedal & lap steel)

"seriously lovely, mellow, downbeat songs in a sparklehorse / red house  
painters / papa m / david grubbs mould that make you wonder why he  
doesn't do this sort of stuff more often"
[ smallfishrecords | uk | ]

"a languid and sweet pop creation, brimming with sly invention in its  
classicist frame [...] these songs simply float into the consciousness  
with a grand air and sublimely delicate touch"
[ forced exposure | usa | ]

O R E N   A M B A R C H I [aus] (staubgold | touch | mort aux vaches)
guitar processed layers & feedbacks
an electronic guitarist and percussionist whose work focuses on the  
exploration of the guitar "re-routing the instrument into a zone of  
alien abstraction where it's no longer easily identifiable as itself" [  
the wire | uk ]

S C O T T   H O R S C R O F  T  [aus] (staubgold | quecksilber)
guitar sampled drones
a work focused on the physical and sensory illusion of sound within a  
virtual environment

[in association with]

s m a l l f i s h   r e c o r d s     [www.smallfish.co.uk]

a r t w o r d s   b o o k s h o p    [http://www.artwords.co.uk]

d e l u x e   g a l l e r y  [http://www.deluxe-arts.org.uk/]

| m e d i a   c o l l a b o r a t i o n s |

lmc - london music collective [www.l-m-c.org]

bbc experimental [http://www.bbc.co.uk/music/experimental/]

the wire adventures in modern music on resonances fm 104.4
tune-in to the weekly show on thursdays from 9.30 - 11.00pm (GMT)
downloads of the shows are available at www.thewire.co.uk

sonomu.net [http://sonomu.net]

kultureflash [http://www.kultureflash.net]


/oren ambarchi
http://www.orenambarchi.com/ |  
sun project ~ http://www.discogs.com/release/172726
reviews of solo projects ~  
oren's interview~ : http://www.furious.com/perfect/orenambarchi.html
