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Re: [microsound] madrid

mayebe some want to take a part of the text to a similar work like
madrid...ge.nos 0911b is my latest work in this field...so..
The famous revival hymn leads: "And in nature, a MIGHTY sound is heard.

Sometimes, the earth shivers in dread and its skin bursts in pain.
Sometimes, it permits invisible forces direct the divining rod to a
life-giving vein of water, hidden by the earth until it is meant to be
revealed. The silence, that wants to be told, but can not be reached by
words, and ears can not usually hear. It is about all those things. To sense
the invisible, the things you can not see but you still know are there.
Because somewhere all the cries of pain and sorrow must go, when the great
silence after war and acts of terror commence. Only the presumably mute,
blood stained earth and the ashes, almost transformed into pure spirit,
remain. But surely, there must be more left of the immensely missed beloved
than just a mute shadow burnt into a concrete wall in the unforgettable
scene of Alain Resnais film "Hiroshima mon Amour"? Mute has to be a
temporary state.

Leif E Boman has, in his artistry, never stopped at just the communication
of the eye. He has visited places where dramatic events have taken place. In
these places, he has collected the soil, which has later been processed in
different ways. Soil from all over the world has been collected in a
continuous, worldwide project, which started sometime in the early nineties.
The soil has travelled to new projects, meeting other soil and new visual
ideas, in a constant exploration of their visual and symbolic aspects. For
Boman there is always something more, in the meeting with a new place,
something unspoken, and no pain or cunning should be spared to entice it. If
there is a message, the first thing one has to do is find a way to hear it;
not until then can one attempt to interpret the message.

The shocking events at Ground Zero in New York in an extremely painful way,
tattooed the 11'th of September as a symbol of pain, for ever in our minds.
The event has been analysed in all possible ways. Pictures, analyses,
theories, historical writing and actions of revenge has entered the world.
The only thing left is the ruin and ashes of raw violence and dust of
concrete. Boman has started new projects, based on four bags of this
symbolic and message carrying material, collected at latitude 40,71189 and
longitude -74,01225. Working with these, Boman has created the sound
creation ge.nos 0911b. The title can be derived, partly from the date of the
tragedy but also from the greek work "genos" with means origin. There is
also linguistic relation to the English word "genocide". A connection
between incompatible extremities, the search for origin and descent, and
extermination of all that is human, is pointed out. "Earth to earth, ashes
to ashes, dust to dust."

As always, even the most dramatic and harrowing events, are framed by the
mute soil. But is it really that silent? Are there ways to make it speak?
Art is art and science is science, even when art is assisted by science. A
systematic search and artistic intuition brought Boman to IFM, The
Department of Physics and Measurement Technology, Biology and Chemistry,

at the University of Linköping. There he met wise scientists and learnt
about an analysis method with the somehow poetic name, emission
spectroscopy, scientific, well-tried, but so far never used for artistic
purposes. It is based on the knowledge that all materials have their own
unique constitution of mineral and metal. The material is evaporated and the
spark of the gas gets a singular light composition; which can be thought of
as color. This color can be transformed to a picture through interpreting
its wavelengths on a diagram. Boman lets these wavelengths, and their
corresponding frequencies, take acoustic form. Suddenly the soil has voice.
Boman processes the sound, not in the ways of a composer, but through
artistic intuition. From the dust and ashes of ground zero, strange sounds
can be heard. It is the soundspectra created from the soil and ashes. They
are mystical and has no intellectual interpretation into words, but instead
they bring strong feelings!! They are rather part of the world of mystery
and metaphysics than of science and linguistics, but they are evidently
present. The sounds tell a story, based on their own individuality and
conditions, the kind of things that could never be said or told. You can
never silence the pain of graves and ruins, even when the people are long

This experience is several thousand years old:

"If these men keep quiet, the very stones will be crying out." (Luke 19:40)

Sturefors April/ May 2003

Bo Borg

Art Critic, member of AICA (International Association of Art Critics)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "franco ingrassia" <ingrassia@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 7:17 AM
Subject: Re: [microsound] madrid

> > Uncritical?  Hmm.  Perhaps it would be best to climb down from the ivory
> > tower and see how people outside of the intellectual circles and
> > universities live.  Try asking people in areas who was who and why they
> were
> > fighting before making judgments based on mere opinion, please.
> i don´t need to climb down no ivory tower
> i used to live 60 meters from the Atocha station,
> and spent all thursday morning calling friends
> just to see if they were ok
> +++
> there´s no need to live in universities or
> inside intellectual circles to have a critical
> view on how things are going
> f.
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