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Re: [microsound] w/r/t silence
Peter Toddwrote:
> I was played a piece recently which was a field recording made in Denmark or
> Holland or somewhere around there, and sped up I think 80 times. You could
> hear standing waves from the Atlantic Ocean 8-)
I really doubt that this is true. Microphones cannot pickup this kind of
stuff. Its more likely a artifact produced by a beating of sample rates on
the speed up process.
>> this seems a good time to ask some questions about infra-sonic sound
>> has anyone used an infra-sonic mic? where i can get hold of one? (i am
>> in the UK)
> no idea.
>> if i recorded straight onto a laptop would i need a special software to
>> record, or would something like logic have the dynamic range for this
>> sort of recording?
> More like hardware, I should think. A solid preamp, I don't know if it
> would have to be specialized.
Audio equipment just doesn't get near this kind of frequency response. Most
mics don't pick up much below 20-30Hz. Your laptop mic wouldn't hear much
below 60Hz. You have to start thinking in terms of scientific measuring
devices. If you can get a extremely sensitive digital barometer (it would
have to be very sensitive so that the normal change of air pressure over a
day would be way off the scale) and be able to be connected to a computer to
sample the data at regular intervals (eg. 20 times a second would give you
an upper cut-off frequency of 10Hz). Then convert this data into a
There are specialised rental agencies that deal with this type of equipment.
>> also does anyone know if it were possible to record air-pressure? this
>> would be from a location significantly above or below sea level
> Well, what is sound but changing air pressure?
>> i think there is alot of "silent" sound above and below our hearing
>> range.......
> you'd better believe it.
>> recently i have just seen/heard an interesting sound installation made
>> by a deaf artist
>> she had recorded a bird song then pitched it down so that the low
>> frequencies could be felt by her body
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