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Re: [microsound] Pierre Henry
> For me, *the* mandatory Pierre Henry recording is easily "L'apocalypse de
> Jean", available on Philips (2 CDs).
i would second that - although it does help if you understand french, as
there is a lot of text. the treatement of the text is interesting enough to
make it worthwhile even if you don't though. otherwise, i'd also second
dale's recommendation of le livre des morts egyptien (his first (any maybe
only?) piece done at ircam, made entirely from piano sounds), and there are
also some very interesting (historically and sonically) works on les annees
cinquante ("the fifties," a 3 cd compilation of his earliest works, with and
without pierre schaeffer). la ville/die stadt, part of the ars acoustica
series, is also very interesting.
speaking of pierre schaeffer, the box set available of his collective solo
works is also worth a listen...
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