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[microsound] Abflug news

// Pictures and Live Recordings
Check out the pictures from the Abflug shows in Berlin
and Frankfurt/Offenbach and listen to live recordings
of Verhaverbeke Krzyzosiak and Karri O. at Rotari club
in Offenbach.

//Abflug MP3s Online
Abflug releases are now available for purchase online
for just 99 cents a track. ABCD01 and ABCD02 are
available now and ABCD03 will be up soon.

//Need new clothes?
In addition to CDs, you can now also buy other Abflug
paraphenalia, like t-shirts and bags through the

//Abflug in Vilnius
Abflug artists O Samuli A, Verhaverbeke Krzyzosiak,
Karri O. and Lithuania's own Vygandas Simbelis will
play Intro Centre in Vilnius on April 24. Check out
www.intro.lt and abflugrec.com for more info.

//New Releases
Details of the two new Abflug releases -
'Indecipherabilia' by Lake Lustre (ABCD04) and 'Kids
Used to Dream of Becoming Astronauts' by Karri O.
(ABCD05) - will soon be released on the site.

Thank you for flying with us

Helsinki, Finland

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