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RE: [microsound] linux newbie stuff

	I have also made the switch in the last 6 months, and CCRMA is
the way to go for people who want to get up and running quickly. 


	Its well documented, contains 90% of the linux sound apps out
there, and can really help you get a foundation for linux in general and
linux sound in particular. And of course once you have a foundation, you
can go off to any distro you like.

	But save yourself months of heartache and start with the planet!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: derek@xxxxxxx [mailto:derek@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 12:25 PM
> To: microsound
> Subject: RE: [microsound] linux newbie stuff [WAS:puff 'n stuff]

Scanned on 05 Apr 2004 20:20:32
Scanning by http://erado.com

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