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[microsound] List events this week !

hi all, 

MOU, LIPS! "tiny france tour?" \details below...
        all gigs with photo\projections by MARITA COSMA
        08|04|04 - TOURS, Le Cafe
        09|04|04 - PARIS, Avril.dot festival
        10|04|04 - AMIENS, La Briquetterie
        11|04|04 - LILLE, tbd

09/04/04 HERVE BOGHOSSIAN @ le Lieu Unique > Nantes (fr)

N.B : AVRIL.DOT festival april 8th to 24th
: excellent electronic festival !!!
@ Confluences > Paris (fr) with live sets by artists such as stephan mathieu
& douglas benford, taylor deupree, sogar, mitchell akiyama, jason kahn ...
more details @ http://www.confluences.net/ep

Still available : 

L5 V/A"INstruments" (only a few copies left !)
L4 Herve Boghossian "rvb"
L3 Mou,lips! "peanuts and shells geometria"
L1 V/A "Minima-List"

Next Release : Gunter Muller & Steinbruchel (october 2004)

New mail-order : 
PRAEMEDIA (U.S.A) http://www.praemedia.com

> you can now order List cds at a price of 14 euros (except mou, lips! cd at 12
euros) shipping included ! on our website http://www.list-en.com through

> please now contact List at hboghossian@xxxxxxxxxxx

thanks for your attention .

all the best 


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