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RE: [microsound] OT - Draft by 2005


No, you're not a chicken hawk, hawk or any other sort of bird, as far as I
know.  You have an opinion.  That much I respect.  I just don't agree with
you.  But to try and blast me for mine, which is equally valid, seems a bit
odd and out of the spirit of this group.

You have cleared up your anti- for me, thanks.  I know you're not
Anti-American.  But I can't see why the policy fails to make an impression.
Nobody wants war, and it gets to be insulting when people say one person or
other is trying to profiteer from a war with no proof.

And about the US whining about being a victim, they probably do so because
without restraint or morality, we could have burned the whole of Iraq so
badly that it would look like a huge slab of onyx should we have chosen to
(the same with Afghanistan).  The big bully syndrome just doesn't apply here
in the way you think, in my opinion.

Your last paragraph is somewhat correct.  AI and HRW NEVER cheer for the
interests of the home team.  They don't have the courage to go after the
butchers over there.  They do their job well enough at reigning in the
idiots in this case, but let them do that in Saudi Arabia, or Iran or some
other place, and we'll see them tossed out on their duffs ore coming home in

One final thing.  I have my problems with the Bush administration in cases
such as North Korea and their cozy relationship with China, something we
should not have in my opinion.  I'm curious to see how these situations play
out.  That will end up being something maybe we can both agree with.



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