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[microsound] UGTV-new programs
Greetings from the hausofouch-
We're pleased to announce new 1 hour episodes of Unitygain Televison
will begin airing on manhattan cable this weekend in our usual slot -1AM
Sunday morning (as in saturday late nite) on MNN channel 34 (TW cable)
[RCN viewers should check their own local schedule for appropriate channel
as these seem to vary] with a low-fi webstream available at mnn.org.
This week's program features hour 2.5 of last weekend's UG event at cpusa
with live audio performances by:
adam kendal
& doily
& a realtime multi channel videomix by:
david last
mr future
vj sputnik
& walter wright
Unitygain Television is made possible with support from:
mediaThe foundation
Manhattan Neighborhood Network [MNN] Community Media Program
The Experimental Television Center's Presentation Fund*
*[The E. T. C. Presentation Fund is supported by the New York State Council
on the Arts & mediaThe foundation]
and "in kind" support from the Downtown Community Television Center [DCTV]
Thanks to all!!!
ugtv... live electromedia performance from the hausofouch...
to your (mom's?) house...
"Every 'object' presupposes the continuity of a flow, every flow, the
fragmentation of the object."