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Re: [microsound] public sound - micro 'installations'

hey, thanks! this sounds interesting. 
i wasn't clear. i meant outdoor, temporary public
things (not on stage or gallery spaces, etc.).  Like
in, setting up a sound thing, with multiple speakers
and sources, at a dock or such, letting it do its
thing/performing and packing up (maybe documenting
it). some of these things get elaborate, some not. 
thanx, a

> sound canopy 
> http://www.deadtech.net
> i still have yet to experience it, though. i'm
> almost
> never downtown.
> --- tasty radish <tastyradish@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > there are some folks doing more or less
> > non-institutionally/gallery/show-place backed
> public
> > sound works

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