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Re: [microsound] microsound list archive
It's a lost cause. Any email you are using on a mailing list is already
targeted. tV
> Hallelujah! My prayers are answered.
> One urgent request: please do something to block out email addresses, or
> every single person who has ever posted to the microsound list will start
> getting (more) spam via web-crawling spambots.
> Thanks again for doing this.
> Phil
>> Hi all-
>> I've started an archive of the microsound list at the following URL:
>> http://www.propheticdesire.com/microsound.htm
>> A bit ugly right now, but that's the way I work. Tried to strike a
>> balance between download times and the quantity of files listed. In the
>> future, I'll be archiving the list in week-long segments.
>> If any smart person knows how to get the Google search to work, I'd
>> greatly appreciate the info. As usual, comments and suggestions
>> requested...
>> Best,
>> Tad
>> <tad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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> ===========
> Phil Thomson
> home: http://www.sfu.ca/~pthomson/
> label: http://www.centibel.org/
> ===========
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> To unsubscribe, e-mail: microsound-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> For additional commands, e-mail: microsound-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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tobias c. van Veen -----------
--- tobias@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
---McGill Communications------
ICQ: 18766209 | AIM: thesaibot
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