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Re: [microsound] Mac vs PC (linux information)[pd readymades]

Kurt Ralske wrote:

I agree, and work in the same way, by programming my own tools. But I do think the opposite view is totally valid: tools that have a lot of funtionality out-of-the-box and a good interface, make it easier and faster to finish art.

I understand the need for personalized tools. Like many people, I feel that
my ideas are not possible with off-the-shelf tools. But I also sort-of
resent the time + effort required to make these tools, and sometimes feel
the time + effort would be better spent on art-making.

Having that in mind and mentioning Kyma as Tjeerd did is a bit odd for me, maybe there is a wrong idea of it flying around...

Kyma can be regarded as a PD or Max/MSP in Hardware. All have a lot examples but you have to create a lot on you own too, that is the feature of the 3 systems. And can meanwhile Kyma be patched in realtime while running like PD and Max or does it still need to be compiled first and then listen/tweaked???


Malte Steiner
media art + development

next event/ lecture:
pure-data workshop 24.-25. july BEK, Bergen, Norway
new releases:
softwareart on cdr magazine tinah#2: http://www.thisisnotahomepage.com