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Re: [microsound] current.array t-shirts by Steve Roden,Janek Schaefer and John Hudak

Thank you for your inquiries.

We apologize for the delay; we are currently finalizing the script for the website.
In the meantime, if you are interested, we can email our collection in digital form (off-list).

As soon as the website is complete, the list will certainly be informed.

-- Dotee beings

yeah, but however you read it (5th jan or 1st may) this date has long passed... Lars

> the little sidebar/contact button says its being > launched 5.1.04 > > v' > > --- graham miller <grahammiller@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > all i get is the front page... how does one get in? > > > > precursor wrote: > > > > > on 6/17/04 12:19 PM, graham miller at > > grahammiller@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: > > > > > > you should definitely check out www.Dotee.com

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