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Re: [microsound] spectralist CD?

On 11/06/04 20:14, Paulo Mouat said in living color:

>> I would add to this very good (snipped) list another work by
>> Murail which I love (and which I might play in the near
>> future!): "Territoires de l'oubli"
>> (for piano). Try to get Roger Muraro's recording of it if you
>> somehow manage to come upon it.
> I have the Dominique My recording.  Any notable details that differ between
> the two?

I have the My recording, too. I actually don't own the Muraro recording but
I have heard it. I can only tell you that my remembrance of the Muraro
performance was that miraculous things were happening. Was it because it was
my first contact with the piece? You bet. But I don't think that was the
only reason.

So: the performance by Dominique My seemed very fine to me... [I have to get
the score and begin learning it... Then, I will have a very definite and
implacable judgment about the piece and The Way it's supposed to be played
;)] BUT Muraro left an even stronger impression on me.


Guillaume Grenier - grenier.g@xxxxxxxxxxxx

"Things are more like they are now than they ever were before."

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