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Re: [microsound] microsound in riga, latvia and tallinn, estonia
> hi all,
> i'm planning a trip to riga in latvia and tallinn in estonia august
> ..........................................................
> an event celebrating the 10th Anniversary
> of the Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre [ VIRAC ]
> a collaboration RIXC, VIRAC & r a d i o q u a l i a
> ..........................................................
> RIXC, VIRAC & r a d i o q u a l i a invite local and international guests
> to join us for a unique event:
> Date: 22.07.04
> Time: 1000 - 2100
> Location: Riga & Irbene, Latvia
> On 22 July 1994 a very special event in recent Latvian history transpired.
> The Soviet military returned a previously clandestine radio antenna, which
> had been concealed in the forests of Western Latvia, back to the Latvian
> people. The 32 metre wide radio antenna, christened RT32, turned out to be
> one of the most significant technical facilities for listening to high
> frequency radio communication in Northern Europe.
> Ten years later, RT32 has been converted from military to scientific use,
> and is being managed by the Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre
> (VIRAC) <http://www.virac.lv>. Now, rather than listening to earth-bound
> data, as it did during its espionage days, RT32 turns it's face toward the
> sun, listening to planets, stars and the moon.
> Acoustic Space: RT32 will be a very special event to celebrate the first 10
> years of VIRAC's work. It will highlight VIRAC's scientific achievements,
> and also address VIRAC's important role in bringing cultural concerns,
> tactical media and art into the sphere of astronomical operations.
> Acoustic Space: RT32 will feature an excursion from Riga to the site of the
> telescopes at Irbene, a press conference by VIRAC scientists, a panel
> discussion with astronomers and artists, a reception, a preview of the
> project Radio Astronomy by r a d i o q u a l i a and performances by sound
> artists, including a special appearance by the Solar System Orchestra
> Ensemble.
> In 1994 the existence of RT32, plus two smaller dishes, and a
> communications centre was revealed to the Latvian people. The facilities
> formed the communication and command centre, 'Zveolsdoshka' - Russian for
> Little Star. Zveolsdoshka was built by the Soviet military and was used by
> the KGB to spy on data transmissions between Europe and North-America
> during the Cold War. Zveolsdoshka was kept secret for most of its
> existence. Normal citizens of Latvia had no idea it existed and the whole
> area around it was closed to the public.
> When the occupying forces of the Soviet military withdrew from Latvia in
> 1993, they abandoned Zveolsdoshka. The military were reluctant to give
> these technical resources to the Latvian Government, and entertained the
> idea of blowing up the satellite dishes. Pressure from the scientific
> community dissuaded them, but RT32 was sabotaged by the retreating forces.
> Acid was poured into its motors; nails were driven through the electrical
> wires, and all the technical plans and schematics explaining how the dish
> worked were removed. The dish was effectively ruined.
> Since this point, a small group of Latvian scientists have dedicated
> themselves to the restoration of RT32. Working without any technical
> specifications, and with minimal financial support, they have managed the
> remarkable feat of restoring the dish back to working order.
> Acoustic Space: RT32 will celebrate their achievements and give the
> scientists at VIRAC an opportunity to discuss their work to a local and
> international audience.
> ABOUT Acoustic Space: RT32
> - Press Conference
> VIRAC will deliver a press conference to invited local and international
> journalists highlighting their past ten years' activities. The press
> conference will be an opportunity for local print and broadcast journalists
> to report on VIRAC's valuable contribution to science research in Latvia,
> and for international journalists to report on the significance of VIRAC's
> facilities.
> - Panel Discussion
> A panel discussion with invited guests would contextualise the work VIRAC
> have undertaken using RT32 and the other antennae, within international
> radio astronomical practice. Special consideration will be paid to VIRAC's
> pioneering role in bringing science and art closer together, through its
> collaborations with the RIXC Cultural Centre <http://www.rixc.lv> on the
> production of the Acoustic Space Lab
> <http://acoustic.space.re-lab.net/lab/>, and other activities. The panel
> will feature local speakers alongside international guests, who have
> special experience of working with radio astronomy in research, education
> and cultural contexts. Invited international speakers include:
> - RT32/Acoustic Space Lab DVD Installation
> RIXC's DVD production, RT32 charts the history of the RT32 antenna and the
> other facilities at Irbene, as well as summarising the activities of the
> Acoustic Space Lab event. The DVD has been screened at museums, festivals,
> and universities internationally. Acoustic Space: RT32 will host a
> reception to celebrate the installation of the RT32 DVD as a permanent
> display at VIRAC.
> - Preview of Radio Astronomy Project
> Radio Astronomy <http://www.radioqualia-astronomy.net> is an art/science
> project by r a d i o q u a l i a developed in collaboration with NASA's
> Radio Jove Network (USA), the Windward Community College Radio Observatory
> (USA) and VIRAC. It will enable listeners to tune into to different
> celestial frequencies, hearing planets, stars, and the constant hiss of
> cosmic noise. It will reveal the sonic character of objects in our galaxy,
> and in the process perhaps make these phenomena more tangible and
> comprehensible. The project is indeed radio astronomy in the literal sense
> - a radio station devoted to broadcasting sounds from space.
> - Sound art and music performances
> Radiation received by radio telescopes can be made audible using radio
> technologies. Acoustic Space: RT32 will feature performances of
> soundscapes, electronic music and sound art created using audio captured
> from the VIRAC radio telescope by Clausthome (LV), r a d i o q u a l i a
> (NZ/LV) and the Solar System Orchestra Ensemble (MW).
> 1000 - 1300 Excursion from Riga to Irbene
> 1300 - 1400 Welcome & lunch
> 1400 - 1430 Press Conference
> 1430 - 1545 Presentations and panel discussion, contextualising the
> role of VIRAC within the international radio astronomy community
> 1545 - 1630 Reception to unveil the Acoustic Space Lab DVD display &
> preview the Radio Astronomy project
> 16:30 - 18:30 Sound performances by the Solar System Orchestra Ensemble
> and other artists
> 1830 - 2130 Excursion from Irbene to Riga
> You are cordially invited to join RIXC and VIRAC for this unique event. A
> limited number of tickets will be made available to local and international
> guests for a nominal fee. The ticket will cover the cost of the excursion
> from Riga to Irbene, the discussions, performances, reception & fine
> Latvian fare on site at Irbene.
> If you wish to attend please contact:
> Signe Pucena
> Ph: +371 7228478
> Email: signe@xxxxxxx
> OR
> Honor Harger
> Email: honor@xxxxxxxxx
> Riga Centre for New Media Culture RIXC
> 11 Novembra Krastmala 35 - 201
> LV 1050 Riga
> Latvia
> http://www.rixc.lv
tobias c. van Veen -----------
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