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Re: [microsound] Golden Ratio and Music...Help!

There is a book entitled Harmonies of Heaven and Earth: Mysticism in Music
from Antiquity to the Avant-Garde by Joscelyn Godwin that deals with these
topics. I guess there might be a lot more too. This is the only one I have
You can also see this site for some information about the mathematics and

Basically I guess putting golden ratio into music is about transfer the
numbers and relations into frequency, times and strength. Ideal for
electronic music experiments in other words.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Curtis Cousins" <curtis_emperor666@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 5:48 PM
Subject: Re: [microsound] Golden Ratio and Music...Help!

> Hi, I have heard that it's possible to purposefully use the Golden
> Ratio in music (classical composer Debussy used it on purpose in many of
> his compositions, and even current-day musicians such as Boards of Canada
> claim to use it, too). I have searched the web to find any information
> on linking music to the golden ratio, but I find nothing that exactly
> tells how they are related. The most the websites say are "the golden
> ratio is commonly found in music" and that's it. Well, I am very well
> knowledged in Music Theory, so if anybody can find a way to explain this
> to me in Music Theory composition terms (or other related ways) please
> tell me or send me a link to a site that explains the relationship to
> music and the golden ratio in-depth.
> Thanks!
> Curtis
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