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Re: [microsound] ppc-oriented Linux(was: Gentoo for MacOS)
> With things like Fink available I can't really see
> the point of it.
> Just wondering...
you provoked it... my highly subjective and slightly romantic account:
- under Linux my computer does _exactly_ what I want it to, not what
others think I want it to
- I have only the software installed I need (including the system
- I have only the services running I really use (no iChat-auto-popup
notifier, no finder-indexing-auto-daemon, no iTunes that eats up bloody
20% of my CPU for simple mp3-playback!...)
- the desktop looks and behaves _exactly_ as I need it to to be productive
(several desktops, windows get focus by just pointing the mouse, no
clicking, _my_ keyboard shortcuts for every task I like, etc. etc..)
- The software quenches the last little bit of performance from the
hardware instead of trying to cater for any remotely possible setup
- Under Mac-On-Linux OS9 runs beautifully on my Aluminium Porwerbook with
real Finder and almost real devices (works much better than Classic)
- JACK and ardour with ladpsa-plugins, supercollider and jamin is the most
productive music environment I ever worked with! Those apps don't run on
OS X (except for JACK, sort of)
- All this doesn't cost me money, just time (and being a poor student I
definitely have more time than money to spare), and the time spent
rewards me with more knowledge, great, eh?
- OpenGL Hardware accelleration does not work, yet.
- Getting the Modem of the newer machines to run can be a major PITA
- And yes, there was a steep learning curve involved when I started with
Linux in '97, but it was worth it! IMHO you can only produce art, if you
really know what the tools you use actually do. (bluntly: no "digital"
art without knowing at least one decent programming language like
C/C++/Java/SuperCollider, analogue: If you can't draw with a pencil you
probably won't become a good painter).
Computer Music PhD-student
University of Waikato
New Zealand
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