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Re: [microsound] OpenSourceSoftware

I don't know how to add a page on the TWiki site - is it possible to do this

If not, I want to make a page dedicated to Radio Art... with links of course
(this is the easy part), but also open for texts on this subject... I think
that the radio media is very much underrated as scene of action for sound
art, experimental radio, microsound, field recordings, phonography. One good
exception (IMO) from this is the London based Resonance fm station,
http://www.resonancefm.com that are transmitting both on the etherwaves and
on the net.


I still think there is need for a link placed somewhere at
www.microsound.org to TWiki site at
http://microsound.nexthop.net/bin/view.cgi/Main/WebHome cause the url is not
so easy to remember (and it is very cool to be able to use any computer to
just go in and fill the TWiki site with whatever lies at hands). Who is
updating these pages nowadays?

/Björn Eriksson

> any list member is free to add or modify a page on the TWiki site w/r/t
> OpenSourceSoftware or anything else of interest...you don't have to wait
> anyone else to do it...jump in and make a page if you want to...this is
> beauty of TWiki!
> get busy! :)

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