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[microsound] Call for Entries | SCALE Publication- submissions needed.
Publication SCALE (http://scale.ucsd.edu) would like to take this
opportunity to encourage you all to consider submitting work for its
upcoming online-only July issue. As a non-profit publication, SCALE
seeks to address a collaborative level of engagement, which occurs
between the polemic boundaries of low-fidelity staged criticism, and
the purported glossiness characteristic of the current state of the
academic “scene.”
Initially formulated within the Graduate and PHD departments of Visual
Art / New Media, Art History, and Critical Theory at the University of
California, San Diego, SCALE was created by Jon Phillips
(http;//www.rejon.org) and Patrick W. Deegan (http://www.pwdeegan.org)
as a strategy of response to a growing interest in developing Open
Source communities across the globe. SCALE is a monthly publication
living in both PDF print and online PDF/WIKI format. In past issues we
have had the pleasure of hosting local and international contributions
by the likes of Lev Manovich and Joseph Goguen.
July’s upcoming issue seeks to address the future of SCALE, thereby
instantiating a collaborative network of creativity, supported by the
structure of your submissions.
By exploiting July’s online-only format, this upcoming SCALE will allow
for interesting intersections to arise from the inclusion of
supplemental texts in relation to various multimedia works such as;
audio compositions, .mpg(s)/.mov(s)/.avi(s), software pieces, patches,
fly-throughs, diagrams, drawings, animations, applications, beats,
rhymes, lyrics, and any combinatory element beyond what is listed
above. Here, your content is the context for engagement (and hopefully
mutation). We hope through your submission (beyond its respective
format) a generative base for activity will develop, where the fruits
of all our labors, may feedback and feed-forward into the development
of supplemental projects, pieces, criticisms, and further works.
In this format, SCALE exists as a mediatory device, whereby your
contribution in regards to addressing variant structures, community,
and collaboration, will serve to reflect (and foster) these systems
beyond its initial inclusion within the context of this publication.
Given this, SCALE provides a context where you might abandon those
familiar resources typically associated with a subscribed method of
exposure and productivity, in hopes of generating a more structure-less
and organic method of creativity through the aid of revision,
recontextualization, and remediation- courtesy of your peers. Of
course in this instance, aliases, anonymous posts, and multiple
creative personalities are always accepted. This can only begin
through your contribution.
-Additional instructions for submission can be found at
http://scale.ucsd.edu under “Read the File and Style Guidelines.”
-Text or Image submissions must be in PDF format NOT exceeding 10MB and
8.5” x 11”in dimension. Because this month is ONLINE-ONLY, color
submissions are encouraged.
Images must be 300dpi.
-Multimedia submissions will be hyperlinked for download from a page
within in the compiled PDF publication. If submitting a file for
linkage, it is recommended you also submit some type of graphic image
in consideration of how your piece will be represented in the layout.
By doing so, we can include the URL to your file within the image
provided by you. If other circumstances are desired, please let us
-For Multimedia submissions, please upload the actual file and NOT the
URL to where it is located on behalf of your own site. WE WILL BE
respective websites are allowed.
-All work submitted will be initially accredited to you unless
suggested otherwise, however, in its online format the work will be
deemed Open Content (as defined by http://www.creativecommons.org) and
could possibly be subject to artistic reinterpretation (at a later
date) on behalf of SCALE’s community of readers.
-The submission process begins now and ends effectively on Friday, July
23, 2004.
-In the week to follow, we will be compiling and publishing the
online-only July issue.
-Submissions, progress, and status can be immediately checked online.
If you have any questions, please contact any of us directly.
Thank you. We look forward to you wonderful submissions…
Best regards,
The July SCALE team:
Michael Podolak | Guest Editor, July Issue SCALE. |
mpodolak@xxxxxxxx | gl0tch@xxxxxxxxxx | http://www.gl0tch.com
Patrick Deegan | Co-founder of SCALE | pdeegan@xxxxxxxx |
Jon Phillips | Co-founder of SCALE | jon@xxxxxxxxx |