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Re: [microsound] merzbow
> Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2004 18:17:05 +0300
> To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> From: "visa" <visa.tapani@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: [microsound] merzbow
> Message-ID: <004f01c46435$76af49e0$0dcb6752@laite>
> I'd be interested in hearing more Merzbow
> recommendations.
"Rainbow Electronics" (1) (hard to get, but if you're
only buying one Merzbow album...)
"Tauromachine" (lots of loops - analog)
"Noisembryo" (my favourite release of his)
"Door Open At 8 AM"
"Hard Lovin' Man"
"Cloud Cock OO Grand"
"Live at Molde International Jazz Festival" (w/
Anything by MAZK (Masami Akita + Zbigniew Karkowski)
"V" (w/ Pan Sonic)
"SCSI Duck"
"Satanstornade" (w/ Russell Haswell - one of the best
things he's done lately.)
all well recommended.
avoid his live cd with alec empire at all costs.
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