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[microsound] Symbiosis Playlist - 5/7/04


Experimental Sound Textures and Rhythms
[Headphones recommended]

12am - 2am Sunday nights
(1pm - 3pm Sunday afternoon GMT)

Time Zone Converter: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/gmt-converter2.htm
(Show broadcasts in GMT +10)

102.7 FM, Melbourne, Australia
Listen online: http://www.rrr.org.au

c/o Triple R
PO Box 304
Fitzroy, VIC  3068


presented by Simon Hampson

Hi All,

The Melbourne winter has to be one of the harshest that I've experienced..
I've travelled to a lot of cold places but Melbourne's wind and cold have
this bite that chills to the bones! All the better for staying in and
cooking up a storm! (and listening to Symbiosis of course:)

This Sunday: An extended feature on Liquid Architecture 5
(www.liquidarchitecture.org.au) featuring comments from the festival
organisers and a selection of this year's performers. Includes a look at the
origins of the festival and how it has grown.

18/7: Symbiosis takes a break - back on 25/7 with a feature on Stasisfield

Call for submissions..

I am looking for tracks themed around the home or field recordings from the
home to air on Symbiosis in August. Please forward me links to MP3s or
CDs/MDs by 31st July.

Check out the new links section at the end of this week's playlist -
hopefully this is a better way for you to follow up on anything in the
playlist each week.

Until next week...


Show Date:  5/7/04

The guest:  J.Frede (http://www.jfrede.com/)
Frede is an LA-based sound artist and curator who's latest work is a
collaboration with Scanner ("J.Frede Rewrites Scanner's Diary"). The subtle
tones and hum in his work have always impressed me and it was a pleasure to
chat with him on the phone from LA... who knows - perhaps he will make it to
our fair shores next year?
Artist :: Track :: Album :: Label

Ben Owen :: slp23 :: Phonography.org 4 :: www.phonography.org

Ultra-Red :: N30 :: Below Code :: Comatonse

J.Frede :: live at TIE :: Live Documents :: Doctsect

Interview with J.Frede including tracks from "J.Frede Rewrites Scanner's

Qua :: ouput :: Liquid Architecture 4 V/A :: www.liquidarchitecture.org.au

Tennis :: pine martin eden :: Furlines :: Bip-Hop

(the following tracks were played as part of a mix:)

Sluggo :: henge :: Phases :: Sijis

Thomas Koner :: zyklop :: Zyklop :: Mille Plateaux

Toshimaru Nakamura :: hank :: Improvised Music From Japan 2002 - 2003 CD

m-7 :: 7-5 :: Improvised Music From Japan 2002 - 2003 CD

Quiet American :: fore and aft :: Maritime Suite :: www.quietamerican.org

(end of mix)

Rod Cooper :: approaching storm :: Instrumental Recordings ::

J.Frede :: page 10 :: J.Frede Rewrites Scanner's Diary :: Current Recordings

Links from this week's show:


Ben Owen: http://www.phonography.org/phonographers/o.htm
Ultra-Red: Site seems to be down...
J.Frede: http://www.jfrede.com/
Qua: http://www.quamusic.com/
Tennis: http://home.earthlink.net/~efrans/benford/tennis.html
Sluggo: see Sijis link
Thomas Koner: http://www.koener.de/
Toshimaru Nakamura: http://www.japanimprov.com/tnakamura/
Brett Larner (m-7): http://www.japanimprov.com/blarner/
Quiet American: http://www.quietamerican.org/
Rod Cooper: http://www.makeitupclub.com.au/wrod.htm


Doctsect: http://www.doctsect.com/
Current Recordings: http://www.current-recordings.com/
Bip-Hop: http://www.bip-hop.com/
Sijis: http://www.sijis.com/
Improvised Music From Japan: http://www.japanimprov.com/index.html


Phonography.org: http://www.phonography.org/

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