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Re: [microsound] Re: merzbow

On Jul 7, 2004, at 6:38 PM, Anthony Saunders wrote:

Regarding digital vs. analog Merzbow, I personally enjoy the early-to-mid 90's harsh noise era and the mid-90's to '98 psychadelic/prog-rock/jazz-fusion noise era the most, and find the digital era to be a mixed bag of total genius and inexplicable repetition. The last few years has also seen a shift away from assaulting the listener and towards ambient, albeit often loud and abrasive ambient.

I honestly think it was lack of command over his tools. He's coming around now for sure. The latest latest releases (within the past 6 months) really show this I think. I have to admire his courage though for continuing to throw out works despite his new method. I know I'd probably shell up for a couple years until I thought I had it perfected... which is probably a bad thing to do when it comes to encouraging growth. I'm planning an onslaught though... just need to find someone willing to release it. I suppose sending material to labels might help that. ;-)

I hope one day Akita's comfort with his laptops becomes such that he pumps out albums that are the equal of works like Space Metalizer, Doors Open At 8 am, Pulse Demon, Noisembryo, Loop Panic Limited and Rainbow Electronics.

I think he's just about there. The samples I've heard from his new Fantail album are perhaps the best material I've ever heard from him. Obviously I need to hear the whole tracks, as since he's moved to computers he's gotten a bit drony... which is what being exposed to copy and paste will do to a man at first. Sequencers are evil.

Take everything I say with a grain of salt of course... especially that last evil bit.

- John

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