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Re: [microsound] merzbow

On Jul 7, 2004, at 8:43 AM, Matthew Mitchell wrote:

Interesting, my feelings regarding A Taste of.. and Animal Magnetism are the opposite of yours.

Actually, if one's talking EARLY Merz, as in early 80's, I'd say that that stuff is much less 'noise for noise's sake' than the mid 90's stuff. Venereology, Pulse Demon, Noiseembyro, discs 43-49 or so of the Merzbox, etc., these releases are probably the closest to noise for noise's sake, although they do contain a great deal of internal variety for those interested.

Ahh... well I was talking Venereology-era actually. Forgive me... I wasn't alive until 1984. :-)

- John

I do love Merzbow.

We all do. I'd be suspicious of any experimental composer who wasn't. ;-)

- John

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