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Re: [microsound] greetings

on 7/5/04 4:41 AM, John Nowak at john_nowak@xxxxxxx wrote:

> I just joined, and thought I'd give a hello. I found out about this
> list from a post by Kaoswirl on the Databenders list. I'm not much into
> data/curcuitbending, but the wonders of email filtering allow me to
> read and post there with no hassle, so I figure why the heck not.
> As for my work, I work via algorithmic means (I haven't deliberately
> played a note in quite a long time). I use Max/MSP mainly... should
> have a few standalone apps coming out soon. My music is at
> http://johnnowak.com. I'm also active on the algo-comp, cec-conference,
> csound/csoundtekno, max-msp, music-dsp, netbehaviour, and sc-users
> lists. Not to mention a handful of Reaktor-related lists (beta testing
> is fun!).
> Well, now to the good part (or at least the less bad part). My artwork
> focuses heavily on reconstruction, so if anyone here has a piece of
> music they'd like me to get hacking on, I'd be happy to do it. Just
> drop me an email with a link to the file.
> - John Nowak
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 i was always wondering why you havent been here. welcome aboard

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