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[microsound] CDs, CDRs, etc.
Dear All,
I heartily agree with Aaron on this, his well reasoned reply is worth
Error correction happens before anything hits your D/A converter so this
CDR vs. CD discussion (which comes up about once every six months on this
list) is a little misleading.
Also, with regards to Jan Larsson's point about Taiyo Yuden CDRs, I 100%
agree. Their CDRs are a little more expensive, but we've found them to be
extremely reliable. We use their Diamond AQ CDRs for our Ferric Series:
Glad to finally be in a position to have the time to properly read all the
posts again!
Christopher @ Fallt
| """..NOW PLAYING..00.09.2004---||||...
| 0000
| XXXX---- CARSTEN NICOLAI | AUTO PILOT --------------------- <>
| XXXX---- VARIOUS ARTISTS | ARCHIV 1 ----------- \\
| 0000 \\\\..\\\\
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