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RE: [microsound] hotline redux
We could always embed a java based irc client in a webpage and get chat
functionality quite easily.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kim Cascone [mailto:kim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 3:01 PM
> To: microsound_list
> Subject: [microsound] hotline redux
> > Is there any chance of replacing the Hotline server with the Twiki
> > server?
> > It would be a lot less work for everyone, especially you.
> not unless someone knows of a chat plugin for the TWiki
> server...besides our TWiki host can't accommodate gigs of files on his
> server...
> also, the hotline server provides disc space and chat which has come in
> handy for book club meetings and other sorts of community building work
> artists like to do...I have been thinking about switching to KDX but
> maybe there is an open source/free application similar to hotline/KDX
> someone can recommend?
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