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[microsound] Re. CD Duplication

Dear David/All,

For reasonably priced reproduction of CDRs (both silk-screened and
un-silk-screened), pressed CDs and 3" CDs, and AB-CDs, I can recommend the

GZ Digital Media (Czechoslovakia) http://www.gzcd.com (?)

Golding Products (UK) http://www.goldingproducts.com

Sony DADC (Austria) http://www.sonydadc.com (?)

All have proved reliable and reasonable over the years and all have produced
CDs for Fallt. I can give more specific information off-list if anyone needs


Christopher @ Fallt

| """..NOW PLAYING..00.09.2004---||||...
| 0000
| XXXX---- PULLMAN | TURNSTYLES & JUNKPILES --------------------- <>
| XXXX---- PAN AMERICAN | THE RIVER... ----------- \\
| 0000 \\\\..\\\\

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