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Re: [microsound] (OT) Dr. Max Matthews (was our first .microsound poll )
On Fri, 1 Oct 2004 02:22:20 -0400, John Nowak <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Oct 1, 2004, at 1:29 AM, andrew jones wrote:
> >> In an off comment though, the debate tonite kicked Bush ass!
> >
> > Really? I thought Bush came across as humane while
> > Kerry came across cold and stern and failed to really
> > show any points remarkably different than Bush's own policies.
He isn't "remarkably" different. He really can't be since anything
sold to the American voter is going to have to be couched under the
unquestionability of the "war on terror." But if Bush appeared
"humane" it was only because Kerry was pretty well slaughtering him on
just about any factual point regarding the war in Iraq. If Kerry
appeared "cold and stern," it was because of the somber reality of
that war, which is an issue he appears finally willing to address.
> I agree completely. Of course the reason Kerry's policies didn't seem
> much different is because they aren't. They're both pro-war,
> pro-patriot act, pro-WTO, pro-NAFTA, etc etc etc. All Kerry is
> basically saying is, "I'd of gone to war, but I'd of kicked more ass."
Basically right. But Kerry's position is really that he wants his
imperialism to be more multilateral so that the US doesn't have to
bear all the cost--bigger, better coalitions, in other words.
> > Wesley Clark seemed cool though =)
> Wesley Clark is a war criminal, and should be tried in an international
> court.
I'd throw Bush in one too.
Any cool Microsound music engaging the current politics these days, or
are we still deluding ourselves (self-servingly, of course) into
thinking that the two are separate spheres? What's Beta Bodega up to
or what happened to Ultra Red? I'd like to be giving more of my music
budget to musicians who are tackling more than just music.
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