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[microsound] Invitation

I've been assigned to make a "sound-cinema" during a month long kultural festival and would like to present some "advanced sounds". People will be able to listen to the music/noise/ambient/soundart through approximately 20 pairs of headphones (all of which are playing the same track) in a smaller box, built for the occasion. The box is on wheels, can seat approx. 20 people and plays CD/DVD/VHS, which means, if you have liveshows or "musicvideos" it is possible to have them screened.
If you're interested send material to me, use adress below.
deadline is 10/10 -2004. I do realize this is next sunday, but i'm not asking for specially composed material, merely great stuff from the drawers...
And if you're considering to send something, please drop me a line OFFLIST, using info@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, so i know something will be in the mail.
And please note: only beat-less material will be taken in consideration.

Lars // Noisejihad.

Lars Hansen
Sjaellandsgade 128, 1
8000 Aarhus

23rd August: Wäldchengarten - Uncomfortable Positions - mp3-ep on Fukk God >>> www.fukkgod.org
key to knowledge on danish noise >>> www.noisejihad.dk
"I'm not inspired. I'm provoked." Ned Cartledge
Cool artsite>>> www.ideations.dk