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Re: [microsound] ring tone project

Was anyone lucky enough to be present at this?


A concert performed entirely through the ringing of the audience's mobile

Presented Sunday, 2 September 2001 at the Brucknerhaus Auditorium in Linz,
Austria as a production of TAKEOVER: the 2001 Ars Electronica Festival, and
28 May - 6 June 2002 at the Arteplage Mobile de Jura as a production of the
Swiss National Exposition and Swisscom Mobile.

Dialtones is a large-scale concert performance whose sounds are wholly
produced through the carefully choreographed dialing and ringing of the
audience's own mobile phones. Because the exact location and tone of each
participant's mobile phone can be known in advance, Dialtones affords a
diverse range of unprecedented sonic phenomena and musically interesting
structures. Moreover, by directing our attention to the unexplored musical
potential of a ubiquitous modern appliance, Dialtones inverts our
understandings of private sound, public space, electromagnetic etiquette,
and the fabric of the communications network which connects us.

Dialtones was presented in two consecutive concerts in September, 2001, as a
co-production of Golan Levin and the Ars Electronica Festival, and in
seventeen performances in May/June 2002 at the Swiss National Exposition."

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