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Re: [microsound] Derrida Article in N.Y.T.

on 10/15/04 10:39 AM, andrew jones at liminal18@xxxxxxx wrote:

> a few publications bad mouthed
> Derrida severely in their obituaries:
> http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/miller_molesky200410130841.asp
> http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,542-1303821,00.html

"But Derrida built no new intellectual edifice. His project was one of
destruction ? or "deconstruction." Derrida claimed to have discovered that
all texts contain inherent contradictions that fatally compromise their
ability to communicate meaning. The upshot was that the entire Western
philosophical and literary tradition rested on an enormous fallacy.
Fundamental concepts like logic and truth were illusions. Derrida himself
wrote more than 50 books attempting to prove that nothing could be said."

The Master is now absent. Unfortunately, his leveling children remain a
powerful presence on campus.

? John J. Miller is a writer for National Review and Mark Molesky is an
assistant professor of history at Seton Hall University. Their new book, Our
Oldest Enemy: A History of America's Disastrous Relationship with France,
has just been published by Doubleday. "

end quote.

I have a reading suggestion, especially for those feeling kind of tepid on
this matter of Derrida:

 'Epitaphs' is a collection of speeches essays , etc. he (J.D.) wrote on the
occasions of various friends and colleagues passings.

 Also of interest: 'Deconstruction in a Nutshell'


 though of course I haven't read it.


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