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[microsound] GINTAS K. VS. DDN collaboration

BE_24 BurningEmptinessInc.2004 France

GINTAS K. VS. DDN :: The Pulse and Click of Your Cyberheart is Melody to My
Analogue to Digital Converter
CD (Ltd. to 77) :: Burning Emptiness
.. . . . ½

 :: This is called a "random collection" of a collaboration by Lithuanian
Gintas K Pasienieciu and Arles' DDN that encompasses a variety of whip short
tracks - samples sort of. From the start, though, its more than a simple
sampler - its more of a belligerent set of pirated codes, channels of sound
that take you to another level of consciousness. Playing on pitch and rhythm
with a sense of staggered timing. This is where the phrase "ghost in the
machine" came from, even after the fact, it makes perfect sense. All of the
sources used here are live, all the sine waves, plugins, synths, theremin
and other wired things. In moments where galloping quips meet sweet synth
organs the two meet in harmonic curiosity. The percussion is high hat to
blurring when apparent in these electronic haikus, each under two minutes in
length. They tease a bit as each transition is gently different with a
variety of gurgling to alarm sounds. With something akin to an open mic to a
buzz saw, a volcanic growth build in the background and morphs the engine
that this one flew in on until a cavern of technical difficulty is overcome
by the shimmy of radio interference. What have I stumbled upon here?

M I C R O V I E W :: Volume 16 By TJ Norris

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