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Re: [microsound] Re: us citizens... (OT)
On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 00:24:32 +0200, Christos Carras <ear@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> anyway: from my perspective at the eastern end of europe two things
> really worry me. 1) the election was won because of fear: all the main
> themes - guns, gays, irak, al qaida, abortion - are related to some
> dimension of fear - of the enemy, of ones own desires etc.
The reason the repubs won this election was because they had 11
anti-gay marriage initiatives in a variety of states, including Ohio,
which brought out the religious ultra-conservatives, who, once they
cast their ballots on the initiatives, voted for Bush and the rest of
the repubs on the ballot. Without that group, which would have likely
stayed away from the polls because they are about as disaffected from
the moderate wing of the republican party as the average lefty is from
the democratic, Bush would have lost. This was a masterful tactic by
people like Karl Rove, a genius of political manipulation whom the
democrats are never going to trump as long as he's pulling the
As I put it on another list, "the republicans ass-fucked the American
public on a platform of anti-sodomy, but while that same public thinks
it's true love, they're going to find out it was only a one-night
stand." The US is going to go back to the early Reagan years and the
times of the preeminence of the Moral Majority. there's going to be a
big backlash against social tolerance and the neo-cons are going to be
braying for a few more wars in the Middle East.
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