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Re: [microsound] return of metaphysics

There are many kinds of beauty, or rather, many ways to behold beauty.  The
kind of beauty beheld that equates to truth is no more oppressive and
exclusive than your idea of opposing it with an aesthetics of failure.

What I find most beautiful of all is that which transcends such divisions, a
beauty not found by diverging from the existent (because divergence will
only find more of the existent) but found by creating/discovering something
completely beyond the +/- of the existent.  I would hope that a post-x
aesthetics would focus on this kind of beauty if it cares to name it beauty.

On 19/11/04 9:39 am, "tasty radish" <tastyradish@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> "interesting point.. please consider that beauty,
> understood as an harmonic construction of the whole,
> occurs as a mechanism to eliminate those parts not
> fitting into this concept. it causes oppression and
> exclusion. the root of it all may be the equalization
> of beauty and truth, already present in platos
> thinking, and still alive today... its the never
> ending return of  that metaphysical idea that there
> has to be a good, true and beautiful whole that gives
> sense to its parts. through the centuries a lot of
> people tried to work against this normative
> concept..postmodernism claimed its death...with little
> success..
> isn?t an "aesthetics of failiure" a concept opposed to
> that of "beauty".. if we use failiure to construct
> just another homogenous structure - wouldn?t it be
> easier to keep the old one?
> to define our "postmodern" aesthetics we should think
> of concepts based on divergence, not beauty... "
> beautifully said! ;)  .  (perhaps there can be a new
> almost monstorous beauty born from the break from the
> whole, as that breaks open, akin to kierkegard's sorta
> wild sense of the cosmos-God)
> question regarding aesthetics of failure-> do folks
> find that this sensibility is romantic?  I do at
> times, and think that when it goes this route, it is
> pretty conventional activity (in so far as it what it
> triggers or opens up in terms of dimensions at a
> perceptual level).
> -andrew
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