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[microsound] foofoofoo
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foofoofoo is now available for all of yous from:
OSX and Linux users, feel free to download foofoofoo, an MPEG Layer-3
smasher script that will create a single MP3 file out of mini-chunks of
all the MP3 files in your hard drive(s).
The standard downloadable file is packaged for OS X-friendly use (a
package installer file), so Linux (or other Unix flavs users) should
get the fooUNIX.tar file and follow the install instructions in there.
We are collecting the resulting MP3s for an eventual release on Alku,
so feel free to send us your foo-file.
Mucho love for beta testing and support: Stephen, Joe, Olivier, Kike,
% evol~~~~~~ http://www.mego.at/evol.html
% alku~~~~~~ http://personal.ilimit.es/principio
% imbécil~~~ http://imbecil.net
% foofoofoo~ http://imbecil.net/foofoofoo
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