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Re: [microsound] ear pixels

Derek Morton says;

> I dont know if I agree with you here. I dont know many people that
> Photoshop as a realtime performance application. Sure some filters are
> faster than others when they render their desired effect but Photoshop is
> not optimized so that it can process data for live applications.  Maybe a
> performance video app like Jitter could fit into your analogy better.

I hardly do anything with images ever but when I do I use a nice small
program that has some simple effects. for example the "collour enhance"
function allows you to adjust contrast, brightness and the like with faders
and there will be a "preview" image next to them. If that preview gets
updated as quickly as my schreen refresh (or at least 25 frames/s) I would
call the preview realtime. I think i would call it realtime too if it´d
update at the speed at which I can move those faders which may depend
on -say- the keyboard repeat rate, I think you can still call it realtime if
there is a small latency, as long as that´s relatively constant in size.

I´m not sure "realtimeness" should be affected by wether or not the data
that´s being treated has a temporal component. Of cource pixels/second
*will* be affected as that number will depend on either how many pixels per
second there are in your data stream or the number of pixels in your static
data multiplied by the interface refresh rate

 Does that sound reasonable?


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